Hi folks,
We were pretty sure that our CH2 loudspeaker would be a launch show favourite and it certainly did not disappoint in that regard.
The CH1 loudspeaker has such a pure musical presentation and the principal of the conical horn design which we modified considerably, was not necessarily going to translate into the larger CH2 design, however, with some tweaking to our prototypes, we had a loudspeaker that sounded very promising and that would only improve with more time for the fantastic Tang Band W6 driver to come fully on song.
With time closing in for our launch event and the fact that we just had to have the CH2 finished for this event, we organised for them to be prepared and painted. This process did take longer than we had anticipated, although with very good results, but in actual fact, it only allowed us a couple of days of playing time before the launch event. Consequently, as good as the CH2 loudspeakers performed on the night of our launch event, you should hear them now!
I genuinely believe you would need to audition loudspeakers well in excess of the $10k mark to find a loudspeaker that will sound as good as the CH2. You may think this is a big call, but you would need to actually audition the CH2 loudspeaker to be sure and it is this fact that has prompted me to write this blog. We believe we have a phenomenal loudspeaker in the CH2 and I can't encourage you enough if you are in the market for a truly hi end loudspeaker, to make an appointment to come and audition this fabulous loudspeaker for yourself.